Sunday, February 15, 2009

tagging info: tagging people: tagging ideas - tag search engines

In class this part week, one of the main topics of in class was the advent of del.ico.ous and its many uses as a information system/search engine. What really intrigues me in regards to this technology and form of categorizing is the form of control that exists within the system. Instead of having information classified for us by experts, information is now tagged, categorized, and stored by the regular user.

Of course one of the many questions is how can we rely on users to basically police information on their own? Interestingly enough, is the simple aspect of tagging in multitudes that correct these types of mistakes as we have a ton of people telling our search engine technology how to tag or correct certain entriers.

Hopefully, as our information technology continues to develop the original goal of the internet continues to come into fruition as we see the power of information gathering increase. One interesting notion that I’d like to see more develop is this evolution of the original internet purpose. Not only are we connecting information now, but with tags we are connecting information to people and people to information. Such as in del.ico.ous one can investigate who tagged what article, or how many people bringing the whole connectivity level to a new level.

This is definitely a development that we’ll see progress more in the future.

Failing at Twitter

Twitter, the micro blogging service, is known for it’s ease of use and ability to transmit news, status updates, and pretty much anything that you can fit into its 150 character space. This little tool can be quite a powerful arsenal in the communication field however, instead of denoting some of its best usages I’ll present two case studies in how it can be misused and hinder your cause.

Both of these cases largely tie into controlling your message and making sure what you say doesn’t backfire on you potentially.

The first of these cases involve Rep. Peter Hoekstra , R-Mich. To sum it up, in his recent undisclosed trip to Iraq, the congressman twittered on the exact location and bearings of his caravan. While this may not sound like something that could get you in trouble. In the troubled areas of Iraq having someone read exactly where your caravan is going and where it is heading is one of the most dangerous situations that the congressman was involving himself in. Breach of secure information is obviously something you’ll want to to keep tabs on. While this case has largely more dangerous consequences the same principle can be applied to PR. You want to make sure that in your use of micro-blogging and other social media that you are sure that the message you are giving out is correct, and that all your members are in accordance as to what should be privy to the public and what shouldn’t. While this may be a simple moral tech lesson it is an important one.

The second of these cases involves Jeff Frederick Republican Chairman of Virginia . To sum it up, a hasty posting on twitter hindered the Virginian republican party from achieving it’s goal of majority by letting the cat out of the bag to early. “insert twitt example” Because of the mistake and the leak of info the Virginian republicans lost their chance at achieving their goal. Twitter moral lesson of this case study is to be sure that when you release information that it is guaranteed, correct, sourced, and not to early or late. Proper timing is always important in providing the correct information to the public in terms of PR.

So take these stories to heart and Twitt smartly everyone.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cluetrain Manisfesto and Evidence of Evolution

In interacting with the Internet of today, one can't help but see how easy and evolved the technology has become and is becoming. As a child of the 90's I got a chance to grow and experience the internet as it began and have had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of its communication model.

This model is discussed largely in the Cluetrain Manisfesto which we discussed in our class. The new model focuses on the need for an interaction between businesses and its consumers of which if not attained will lead to the harsh consequences for businesses.

One of the more interesting points in view now is seeing which companies have embraced this tactic/model and how they have made it succeed for them in terms of the evolving internet. The Dell brainstorm blog, Apple's Iphone pricing incident, the various marketing initiatives from various companies that have involved the use of their consumers which may be too many to note.

However, by and large as more social media technologies, pr practices, and the connection between the consumer and the corporation increases the more the model will evolve and create a new communication method for the business world.

Tapping into Creavity Through Social Media

One of the main assets of social media is its ability to connect multitudes of people, from various backgrounds, with various skillsets, and all with the potential for creativity.

GeniusRocket is one such social media site that provides a community and location for artists and businesses to come together for mutual benefit. Businesses put up commissions and requests for various creative work, and artists can submit for these gigs. What really makes this community stand out from all the others is the ability for artists to form communities and organizations to work cooperatively on projects together.

What this means for the artist/business relationship is that now any business can tap into the vast resource of creativity that exists on the internet, and artists can work closely with people on projects of their choosing. This site has works to change the typical relationship and practices seen in the world of creative business in a new and existing way.